Saturday 27 February 2016

Kitty Litter. Week 4

Week 4 is over: ~12% of the picture (18 x 7 cm), 73 hours of work.

I have new method for calculating percentage done. I've created a simple table using MS Word, 10 rows x 10 columns. Each cell is fixed width / height and this is exactly 1/10 of the final picture. Then I just measure already embroidered part of the picture and fill completed cells with some colour. Single cell is 1% of the picture, so I just need to count the ones in colour to tell percentage completed. It looks like this at the moment:
Why do I need this? Well, I feel the progress better this way. Otherwise it seems to be so slow...


  1. Oh you are making good progress !!! The kitties are peeping out so cutely :-)

    1. Thanks. I'm really happy with my progress.
